I caught a cold, oh yes I did
Thankfully it’s not Covid
It’s in my nose and makes it run
Damn, being sick, it ain’t no fun
My nose is raw from tissue friction
I’ve drunk a mug of Neo Citran
And now I’m feeling very sleepy
I hope I fall asleep quite deeply
If you’re concerned, I understand
And yes, I always wash my hands!
You needn’t even have to ask
Of course, when out, I wear a mask!
The crazy thing, it’s like it’s Fate
Last year, I swear, almost same date
I wrote a poem about a cold
And here I am, one more year old
And sick again! It’s kinda mental
It’s weirdly too coincidental
There must be something in this season
Makes us prone to coughs and sneezin’
I guess there isn’t much to fear
If I get sick, just once a year
With rhyme, so easy to remember
Prepare for cold when comes November!