We can’t imagine life without
Our skill to recall freely
How day-to-day our lives rely
Upon this drawn-well deeply
Etching what we daily see
Is key to constant function
That memories are called upon
Without qualm or compunction
Is privilege that we possess
But rue should come the day
When scrambled up becomes the mind
And makes your thoughts away…
Beyond forgetful, some become
Reduced to utter shell
As if a life had not been lived
Dried up becomes the well
Like grains through hourglass they slip
Reminders of our past
Are gone as if they’re wisps of smoke
Each new day same as last
We must re-shape our vision of
Just what it means to be
A vital member of this world
Defined by memory
I leave with this, a pondering
Confuse us more? It might
Are we but stories in our head
Or the tales of us you’ll write?