Ogden Nash (1902-1971)
American poet and humorist
It’s easy to make a joke about Trump
For Trump IS a joke, he’s a frump and a lump
He’s shaped like potato that totters on legs
That stand at an angle, so question does beg
Is he built like a tree that is bent with the wind
Or permanently trying to look in a bin?
He’s running for president, which is quite stunning
But everyone knows he’s just running from running
He’s got lots of problems, he’s holding a grudge
He spends most his time glaring mad at a judge
He has little skill with which he can be boastful
Instead in ALL CAPS he just troots on Truth Social
Ain’t nobody like him, yet nobody likes him
He eventually turns on his “friends” when mood strikes him
So take him or leave him, I’d leave him in flash
Behind bars, in jumpsuit, bereft of his cash
He repulses the senses, yet behaves like he’s senseless
He babbles like brook yet can’t finish a sentence
(Perhaps at this thing that he constantly fails
He’ll finally complete once he’s comfy in jail…)
It looks like the only good way to be rid of him
Is listen to me, a devout null-i-fidean
He’s long made us suffer, make him suffer us too
So mad that he turns from burnt orange to deep blue!
When election day comes, by foot, car, plane or boat
Make sure that you exercise your damn right to vote!
“Cause if you are lazy, don’t care or can’t bother
This election’s your last, for you won’t get another!