Beware the people you don’t know
Let sugar in their blood get low
Unsuspecting till too late
I’d run away, just hide and wait
Until they get some food to eat
I beg of you beat fast retreat
You hear that rumbling in their tum?
A hangry person is no fun!
I’m sure you’ve wondered what’s the deal
And I assure you this is real
There’s people if they skip a meal
Get angrier than most folks feel
And often they will crave a sweet
But woe to those that choose the treat
In blood that sugar spikes real fast
But that quick high, it never lasts
They crash as hard as did before
And now they’re craving that much more!
So good advice the experts say
Is have small meals throughout the day
Avoid junk foods, high fibre’s best
Hydrate well, get lots of rest
Make better choices with your food
And you’ll shake off that “hangry” mood!