Life is like a baseball game
That fear you’ll be picked last
That no one wants you on their team
So casually you're passed
And if you finally get to bat
You strike out to their groans
You slink back to the dugout bench
To petty whines and moans
But what if it’s your bat and ball?
And that you love to play?
Yet secretly the bullies wish
You’d up and run away
But they would take your stuff and go
Their nastiness is real
And they will not spare you a thought
For how they made you feel
Man, Life can suck, and that’s the truth
You’re really on your own
Just kid left out on baseball field
Hemmed in, yet still alone…
But I say screw it, no one said
You can’t changes rules and win
You’ll hit a triple, round that turn
‘Cause Life’s waving you in!