Parents think they are so great
They go to work they stay up late
They drive their cars, they drink their beers
They swing from crystal chandeliers
Complaining their life is so rough
We tell you that we’ve had enough!
See, us kids have figured out
What growing up is all about
Adults think they’ve gotten smarter
Never have to ask or barter
Never doing as they say
‘Cause they must have it done their way
There’s more to life than living large
And acting mean ‘cause they’re in charge
For being kids is so much greater
Than getting to stay up much later
We run and play we are so free
From all responsibility
You make our meals and wash our clothes
You have to wipe our runny nose
Every day it starts anew
Always stuff you gotta do
We kids have little obligation
We romp with little regulation
You, who gets such little rest Ask yourself whose life is best?