When sky surveyed with searching eyes
Its vastness is the thing that’s prized
If only we could tour with ease
What sights we’d see, the galaxies!
But sometimes what we want we get
And there are stuffs we haven’t met
And what if it be frightful dream
In space, no one can hear you scream…
And that’s what crew of Nostradamus
Did not expect from inky blackness
To find a ship, so undulating
That sheltered form, that lay in waiting
With probing tail, a touch so scratchy
Quite spider-like, from egg it hatch-y
This creepy long-legged feisty bugger
They’d never seen this weird face-hugger!
In scene with chills that wouldn’t stop
A critter through a chest did pop!
It grew and grew, as back and forth
The harried crew chased xenomorph
With weapons weak, but mettle stout
Yet one by one, it took them out
Soon only one, a badass woman
Was left as the surviving human
She rigged a bomb, then fled that ship
With Jones the cat, in pod they split
But unbeknownst, that alien
Did not meet an explosive end
It came out of its hiding spot
And soon another battle fought
As awesome did our Ripley rock
She blew that creature out air lock
Into expanse of space so deep
Then drifted off to hypersleep
Tis cautionary tale I share -
You never know what lives out there
Most likely we will be outmatched
So best to leave space eggs unhatched…