I implore you to wake with the burgeoning dawn
Shake off ennui with an earth-shattering yawn
Throw back your arms arch your back if askance
For today you commit to the taking of chance!
If once you were timid and modest of will
Well, not anymore! Your unfilled cup will o’erspill
If often you’re fearful that things go awry
No more missing milestones for today you will try
There is no one stopping or holding you back
It isn’t the courage or bravado you lack
It’s simply our nature to take cautious steps
For fear of reprisal, of looking inept
I say shake it off and give backbone its due
The one thing that matters has always been YOU!
And getting ahead in this world has been tough
But isn’t it time that we said we’re enough?
Take hold of this world and say now is the time
It’s giving up faith in yourself that’s the crime
Worry not ever that you might make mistakes
You’ll miss all success if no chances you take!