Let this image slowly sink
Crazy even if you think
What if we were trapped inside
Without a place to run and hide
A giant snow globe on a shelf
The property of a giant elf
Taken down at random hours
Shaken so the snow might shower
He laughs with glee at his delight
Knowing that we live in fright
For our lives are now beholden
To creature borne of time that’s olden
Days of calm are not enjoyed
It takes but moment to be toyed
To have our very lives turned round
Everything be upside down
And snow becomes a dizzy blizzard
At the whim of elfin wizard
Imagine if this were our world
In dread waiting to be swirled…
So next time snow makes life feel dire
Snuggle up and build a fire
Thankful that you’re upside right
And able to have peaceful night
BUT - here’s a thought that sends a chill
What if we’re on that shelf still…
In a corner long forgotten
And that evil elf so rotten
Might still find us (time will tell)
And make our world a snowy hell!