If I had powers like the gods
Possessed the means to tilt the odds
What would I do, a simple soul
What, ultimately, be my goal?
How often pondered did I this
Would I rule world with yielding fist?
My moral code be forced upon
My first task be to right all wrongs
Then take away the human will
To ever cause another ill
Banish all antipathy
Replace it with pure empathy
All conflicts stop dead in their tracks
Remove the urge used to attack
I’d clean the oceans, land and air
Restore the countrysides with care
Until this world that teems and toils
That suffers from the ways of spoil
Becomes a planet calm with peace
For forms of strife have all but ceased…
This world envisioned in my dreams
Is out of reach, or so it seems
For free will is our faith and curse
We’re doomed to turn what’s good to worst
We’re predisposed to preen and flaunt
We cannot see beyond our wants
But oh, if we could turn around
Drive changes that are so profound
If we engaged in synergy
Create accord and unity
You ask me could we make this so?
My answer is - I just don’t know…