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'Twas the Night...

T’was the year 2020, when everything sucked

Not a creature is happy the planet seems fucked

The pantries are empty the rent is past due

The hopes of recovery are downcast and blue

Children are restless when sent to their beds

Apocalyptic visions will dance in their heads

All of the families that struggle to manage

Must weather this storm and deal with the damage

When governments dither and make such a clatter

Politicians not dealing with issues that matter

People are tired of parting with cash

For merit-less reasons it’s gone in a flash

And now as we hunker streets covered in snow

Who cares it is not like there are places to go

When even our eyes need protection from spittle

Give us some joy even if it’s a little

A shift in our spirits must come and right quick

Even I an old grump could believe in St. Nick!

More rapid than 5G we hope for relief

An end to this torture a cure for our grief

Not maskless, no parties, no dinners with friends!

No gatherings now for this nightmare must end!

Administer fines to those spewing “resistance”

Remember the rule that we must social distance

We must be the smarter ones doing what’s best

Always be vigilant for COVID won’t rest

We know that a virus does not respect rules

It loves running loose in our churches and schools

It jumps over obstacles and flies through the air

Sickening and running amok without care

Infecting whole households with more than the flu

With its bag full of tricks its insidious too

You don’t even know that you might be a spreader

Before long you’ll find that you couldn’t be deader...

Lost we all feel on this sea we’re adrift

But I did digress this is meant to uplift

Unlike a poor swimmer with no land in sight

We’ve many a life line to make it all right

We’ve friends near and far though kept at arms length

Love from our families will give us great strength

We’re all facing challenges dealing with strife

And here is another that threatens one’s life

But we are resilient with ways and the means

To develop good therapies to fight with vaccines

We started behind but we’ll finish ahead

And soon we won’t wake with this feeling of dread

But we must do our part so that all these plans work

Be kind and be patient please don’t be a jerk!

What lessons we’ve learned as this chapter will close

In the worst of our times to the occasion we rose

To those that respected the doctors and science

That showed a great deal of strong self reliance

I do tip my hat for these times were the worst

Frustrated anger made blood vessels burst

I’m not giving credit to the tin foil hat faction

That called it a hoax and an overreaction

I’ve no time for you and your useless asides

But much like The Dude I will move on and abide

And though I would like us to all celebrate

I hope we all know that such things must still wait

Stand in line for your shot don’t be anti-vaxx fools

Keep wearing your mask don’t abandon the rules!

To all of you reading this meandering post

I’d like you to know that I love you the most

This year like this message seems never to end

But it does with this missive to all my dear friends

Take heart for I know that the end is in sight -


“Happy Christmas to all, and to all a good night!"

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