What do you do when you’ve nothing to say
Do you sit very quiet, stilled hands in lap lay
Wishing you’ve wisdom to share with the room
Yet feeling unseen like a closeted broom
How do the others just chat with such ease
From subject to subject words blow like a breeze
But if you could carefully pay heed up close
They all sound long-winded, so dull and verbose
Too many words and a lacking of substance
Leaves a mind starving for meaning and sustenance
And if I joined in, is there something I’d add?
I’d hope it’s the best conversation they’ve had
But alas, I’m too shy to share what’s in my head
Lacking the heart, feeling silenced instead
Left to devices, I’ll linger alone
Have little talks with myself on my own
Until comes the day when my soul’s songs are sung
For I’ve gained confidence and unshackled my tongue
At last I will have what I’ve always been missing
The ear of the world that is ready to listen!