*Illustration reference: Don Purcell
There are disasters of all kind
The natural ones that come to mind
Tornadoes, earthquakes, hurricanes
The chaos that they cause! The pains!
But one that often goes unmentioned
For reasons good, draws no attention
This one’s as natural as can be
Befalls us all, I guarantee
It hits you like a double whammy
The misery known as “poonami”
Exactly as it sounds, it is
And really it’s nobody’s biz
But should it strike, inopportune
A restroom can’t be found too soon!
I mean the best of us get backed up
And the “traffic” in our bowels stacks up
A little help we have to give
In form of gentle laxative
Intestines do the loop de loop
And catapults out all our poop!
I think from this point, what is best
Your imagination do the rest…
I’ll tell you if you suffer so
I wish you well down creek you row
Those waves turn into gentle ripples
Subsides the burn that’s known to cripple
Thus ends the poo catastrophe
And fades to distant memory
Eventually, the normal comes
And order is restored to bums…