When I am dancing, I'm relaxed in my skin
I'm alive in the moment, on my face sits a grin
I move like a cobra, lithe like Shakira
(But I'd knock you down flat if I ever got near ya)
‘Cause when we’re together I feel lighter and happier
With a spring in my stride I am brighter and snappier
I forget where I am, what I am doing
I am focused on feeling, my spirit improving
You bring out my best, remind me I’m good
I am seen, I am worthy, I feel understood
With my awkward moves, my steps like a skip
Concentrating so hard, with out-of-sync hips
The synthesized hooks of those tunes from the eighties
Could make the ungainly look graceful with great ease
How I love that glam music, the songs were our anthem
With each beat of our hearts, if we could we would thank them
No matter the place, if there’s the slightest of chance
In my thoughts, like a charm, we're together and dance…