Everyone likes music
Not me!
It’s loud with all that screeching
Be quiet! I’m beseeching!
My eardrums are now bleeding
Aspirin I’m needing
No music's not for me!
Everyone likes singing
Not me!
It reminds me much of crying
It sounds like cats are dying
It fills my head with pain
With every song's refrain
No singing's not for me!
Everyone likes listening
Not me!
Don’t even try explaining
It all sounds like complaining
You cannot change my mind
It's all a waste of time
No listening’s not for me!
But how alone I feel
As by my bed I kneel
And ask for just one friend
To make my suffering end
I peek through curtains weighty
See people being matey
And wish, oh wish, t’was me
But alone I’ll always be…
The moral of this story
Is a thought I’ll now include;
The likely culprit of such woe
Is often attitude
If you see fit to find them
Life is full of simple joys
And positivity will make
Sweet music from mere noise…