One day I’ll be a hermit
And I’ll live in woods so deep
I’ll not let bad news through my door
And to myself I’ll keep
I won’t fight traffic in a car
I won’t shop in a store
I’ll cut off all the interwebs
All bunk I will ignore
I’ll read the books I’ve put aside
I’ll sketch the squirrels and trees
I’ll eat the food I grow myself
I’ll do the things I please
I’ll leave the stress of life behind
Bad habits I will kick
And mostly I will free my mind
From the body politic
I know I kid myself with this
It’s purely fantasy
I’ll never break from modern life
It’s where I’m doomed to be
There’s calm that comes from giving up
It’s strength I draw upon
The worst to come, which I’ll avoid
‘Cause doubtless I’ll be gone!