Wish I knew whose idea it was
So I could thank them just because
Their gift to humans far surpasses
Most anything that expands our asses
A feast, a joy, a celebration
A blend of tastes that swept the nation
Thank god it’s now in every store
The snack of choice that I reach for
With every bite I feel reborn
From sweet and salty coated corn
Electric orange and shiny brown
This winsome treat I snarffle down
Familiar with this junk food fix?
You’ll know I mean Chicago Mix
Technically it’s Minnesotan
At this point it’s not verboten
To only know one recipe
Caramel cheddar is fine with me!
And though it’s best when flavors meld
No matter how the bag is held
The cheddar’s often eaten first
Who cares it’s still a flavour burst
(You find no matter how you got one
The caramel corn is on the bottom)
If you’re like me you cannot stop
You eat whole bag washed down with pop
And though right after I feel wicked
My guilty pleasure, I am addicted
Chicago Mix can’t be denied
In deep, my face, you’ll find inside
My smile with lips distinctly stained
For fervent love can’t be explained