Love Forever
Artist: Agnes Kokot
We have never thought so long and hard
Laboured and studied this single word
After a time it loses all meaning
Perception has for us all become blurred
Even if coddled and indulged like a child
Love can bewilder and hide behind masks
It’s thrown about lightly like seed fed to birds
It defies simple answers of all who are asked
Love can be fickle and petty together
Ignoring all others while lavishing one
If love is so fleeting and likely to fail
Why to the edge of the cliff do we run?
For love is both feeling and fancy when found
We lose inhibition and turn our backs never
And yet if we lose it or think we’re unfit
Enjoying true kinship may elude us forever
So I recommend that we give up all worry
But I understand that we still feel frustration
Though it will continue to outwit our instincts
We should not judge harshly this engaging sensation
Rather let love be whatever it wants
In all of its artful and strange incarnations
For if we just open our hearts and our minds
We'll happily loll in its sweet celebrations
Devotion, emotion, as wide as the ocean
Dive deep in its waters immersed we swim madly
And when we break surface I hope we’ll be smiling
For love is the air and we breathe it in gladly