Don’t argue with me I will fight you
And I fight dirty, I will bite you!
For this is something I feel strongly
Though you might think that I live wrongly
My music tastes are out of touch
To love all Christmas songs so much
I’d rather hear those jingle bells
In summer’s heat with summer’s smells
My favourite song of Mariah Carey’s
I love so much I’d freely marry!
I want for Christmas all those songs
Then sing them gladly all year long
But sadly I get not my way
Mark down the months till comes the day
November first, then I hit PLAY!
Those tinkly notes, familiar tune
Mariah’s voice can’t come too soon
She doesn’t want a lot for Christmas
But for me, I will say this much
If those songs you think annoy
Around the world bring so much joy
Wouldn’t you prefer such sounds?
Don't you want that joy around?
So say with me and say it proud
Hell! Let’s sing it right out loud!
All we want for Christmas is…
Love and peace and boundless bliss
Songs we evermore remember
If not year round, then through December!