Not long ago it was balmy
A warm and comfortable day
Barely needed a blanket
As contented in bed I did lay
But rise as I do every morn
I dressed in short sleeves without fear
Yet venturing out on my doorstep
A plume of mouth steam did appear
The chill hit my arms with a slap
I turned on my tail and just ran
Back to my warm comfy bed
Of cold mornings I am not a fan
Yesterday I was still sweating
And needing to cool myself down
But this morning I’m needing a sweater?
Forgive me for wearing a frown!
September’s a wild rollercoaster
Its weather can’t make up its mind
We go through this drill every year
Don’t we wish we could just press rewind!
But alas this is Fall being funny
Extreme swings in temps, such a jest
You’d think we’re prepared for the worst
We seem always to hope for the best!