Record breaking temperatures
Are hitting everywhere
Pervasive heat is simmering
Like portension in the air
Thanks to global warming
A most alarming trend
There’s no telling what might come
Or if this means the end
There is no denying that
There’s warmth where there was none
And devastating floods that leave
A country shocked and stunned
Now’s the time to stand the call
Declare that all that matters
Is making sure our future has
Protected air and water
For though us living far up north
May think this weather great
It should ring out disturbing bells
That doing right can’t wait
My children and their children too
Deserve a world secured
We can’t ignore what’s happening
We must not be deterred
Unfettered gross development
Is not how we’ll survive
Instead we must be tempered in
The means we use to thrive
We are capable and skilled
To know we’ve had enough
To finally realize the earth’s
As fragile as it’s tough
I ask that we all do our part
To save our world before
There’s no time left for anyone
And our planet is no more…