Oh Canada
My home and adopted land
Though not born on your hallowed ground
I think you're mighty grand
I revel in your open skies
I sneeze in your fields of gold
In summer it's hot and sometimes it's not
But the winter’s unfailingly cold
The mountains are high and beautiful
The rivers do rush down the rocks
Sunny canola does blanket the hills
You can admire it all on long walks
A country regarded as thoughtful
The world remarks on our politeness
The people are refreshingly open and kind
In our smiles a particular brightness
And today there's this special occasion
One that's worth marking with glee
A birthday rejoiced from coast to coast
Brings out the sheer pride deep in me
In this day and age we are reeling
From a collective slamming of doors
Yet Canada remains a steadfast ally
To those who seek peace over war
And that is why I'll never wander
From my doorstep not far will I roam
Oh Canada I do so adore you
As do millions that call you their home!