As with all the holidays
Full of jolly silly ways
We haven’t honestly a clue
Of why we do the things we do
So let me take this time to tell
A story, perk up, listen well
About the day we all wear green
And now you’ll know just what it means!
Saint Patrick was a missionary
Was he devout? I would say very!
As a priest he made folk listen
Taught the Irish to be good Christians
Died, he did, March seventeenth
In Downpatrick, he lies beneath
His legend grew without restraint
And he became beloved saint
As time went on the Irish spread
Across the globe for coin and bread
Fled, the Irish Diaspora
Mostly to North America
The Irish proud, yet segregated
Vigorously they celebrated
Their heritage and Patron Saint
Struggled so, without complaint
So “fighting Irish” have their day
Observing it in their own way
With food, parades and green attire
Drinking to their heart’s desire
I think the aspect of religion
No longer has held much dominion
But does it matter? Are we bothered?
If people find joy with each other?
Let's thank Saint Patrick with good cheer
By raising high your green-tinged beer!