I shall not do what I can’t say
Nor whinge of price I cannot pay
The time for sabotage is past
So black its heart it could not last
The shedding of this paper skin
Releases me from fix I’m in
These splintered nails can start to heal
They’re free of foes perceived and real
What exaltation comes with sign
When overhead the stars align
I see the end of months of strain
Salvation now is at the reins
Each breaking day I start anew
Foreboding sense of much to do
Shall now be faced with inner strength
No clock marks time of any length
I won’t be crushed, nor overwhelmed
Or cowed by things outside my realm
Repeated lessons made their mark
Epiphanies grew from that spark
Let year begin with optimism
An ardency for chances given
Who is to know what be the sum
Of all the wondrous things to come!