Intrepid scout that knows no leisure
In frenzied search of treacly treasure
A warming note its telltale drone
The sweetest thrum we’ve ever known
From bud to bud it ziggy zags
This nimble thimble never lags
Upon the nectarous heart it draws
Oh to be driven without pause
For good of all yet toil for one
There is no rest till work is done…
Unless if you take closer look
You come upon in nestled nook
A tiny ball of snoozing fuzz
How softly sweet its snoring buzz
We tiptoe out as not to irk
To grant respite from endless work
The honeybee, tis Nature’s cog
In wheel of life, its chore a slog
Propagating, distributing
So trees and plants are always fruiting
Such weight they bear on gauzy wing
Let’s give them praise for everything…