I have come to the conclusion
There is a plague of mass delusion
An abandonment of informed reason
A surrendering and general easement
Of what made us sit up and pause
If someone dared to flout the laws
What’s once considered sheer corruption
Has now been given new presumption
Those in power get to say
“I’ll never ever have to pay
A price for getting what I want!”
They love to lie, they live to taunt
For though I’m old I never thought
I’d see the day when crimes aren’t caught
And punished as they ought to be
(It seems that privilege keeps one free!)
Blatant are the machinations
Stupid are the calculations
The tyrant plays quite fast and loose
Deflecting, lying, overt abuse
But clear the goal at end of day
Is hope the votes their way will sway
And there’s no will to hold them back
For fear of being next attacked
Paralyzing once great nations
Under fascist aberrations
And though there’s few that have gone bust
Don’t ask me why their base still trusts
And that’s what brings this diatribe
What keeps me up, what doesn’t jibe
For though you ask why should we care
It’s happening way over there
I fear if we stay too complacent
Ignore how we are hate-adjacent
Then all we are is plain complicit
Your beloved ass? Bend over kiss it
‘Cause all that hate eats us alive
I wonder how we will survive
It doesn’t take more than one guy
To trigger that which just won’t die
Deep-seated, rooted, seething rage
Has ushered in a new dark age
It might seem small perhaps a seed
But a little time is all it needs
To break through soil that’s tilled with hate
For fearful lives retaliate
And soon there’s nothing left of worth
A smoking globe once fertile earth
Stripped of all its lush and glory
No one left to tell the story...
I hope that though our souls grow weary
Of all the news that’s sad and dreary
We’ve lost track of a thousand scandals
I hope it’s less than we can handle
Let’s band together, fight our fate
There still is time, it’s not too late
Pray one day, with strength and hope
We’ll find goodwill back in our scope
This lunacy melts from our brains
We start to make sense once again!