Like an unwrapped treasured gift
This gives esteem much needed lift
When on the verge of youth to grown
That day when you come in to own
The first day on acquired job
Over wall that weight you’ve lobbed
The resumes, the bleak rejection
When overcome? Such exaltation!
When you have met all your objectives
Obtained credentials, main directive
Then the pavement you start pounding
Doors are slammed, the sound, resounding…
But forge ahead, we all have done it
The first-job-battle? We’ve all won it!
The night before, it’s hard to sleep
Alarm goes off, from bed you leap!
You’ve got your outfit at the ready
A cup of coffee keeps you steady
You’ve packed a lunch, you head for door
You pause, you know there’s one thing more
That warmth you feel way deep inside
Indulge it now, that feeling’s … pride
There’s nothing wrong with pat on back
Just knowing that you stayed on track
How great it feels, accomplishment
You’ve always known just what it meant
There’s years ahead, there’s bumps yet too
Equipped you are to make it through
Let’s celebrate these little wins
It’s how the path to THRIVE begins!