Little Molly Frankenstein
Is not your girl next door
In fact she's not like any girl
That you have met before
She can take her whole arm off
And wave it in the air
She can even interchange
Her eyes, her nose and hair
She can squeeze into a space
That no one even tries
She eats peanut butter with
Grape jelly and real flies
Molly wants to be your friend
But no one will be hers
For when she tries to be a pal
The strangest thing occurs
She will want to hug you tight
And never let you go
And when I mean she hugs you tight
I think you need to know
That she will squeeze with all her might
And make it hard to breathe
And she will carry you around
To make sure you won't leave
But it's because she loves you so
And hates to be alone
For people always run away
And leave her on her own
For Molly is a little girl
That no one understands
And feeling loved should never be
A thing that one demands
Love is inside everyone
And we should freely share
To little girls like Molly
Let us show her that we care
Take her hand, not literally
And run with her and play
Please safeguard and protect her from
The mean things people say
For aren't we all a little weird
In our own special way?
And let's embrace our differences
Each and every day!