It's the privilege of the young
To never walk to always run
Eyes are down full speed ahead
Set off to where young hearts are led
Skinning knees and shedding tears
Living out their parent's fears
Is that why the new beginner
Always has to be the winner?
Rewarding them no matter what
Never hitting wedge or rut
We aim to coddle kids too much
So at apron strings they clutch
Yet if we can't set young ones free
Cut those bonds and let them be
If children cannot fall or flail
Never learning how to fail
We do more harm than we can know
Kept from rain young seeds won't grow
It does them well to not do well
But gently still take time to tell
That life comes not with guarantee
That ease in life comes with a fee
Teach all children sacrifice
Brokering a compromise
Let them bruise for then they heal
But never doubt that what they feel
Upon those scars is fortitude
Coping skills so less they'll brood
Remember when we were that young
Naïve to how the sweet bee stung
Licked our wounds braved from each fight
Yet did we not turn out all right?
That though we hid from elder's reach
Our parent's words were meant to teach
For lessons learned so much provide
That which youth use as their guide
Next generations won't have complaint
So long as we loose our restraint