Back to my desk returning, fear in me hotly burning
For relief was yearning, barely holding it together
But through the darkened glass, something made me gasp
And at my heart I clasped, my feet could not feel leaden-er
Was I about to be someone made dead-er?
Could I feel more dread-er?
Opened up the flash of the window before it smashed
And out I almost passed as I was tickled by a feather
‘Twas a chubby chicken, a bird that had been thickened
But still had steps quite quickened, as to my home it entered
And perched upon my desk after ungracefully it entered
Then chuckled in the center
Then this chunky bird besmirched as on my crowded desk it perched
It couldn’t help but almost lurch for it wasn’t light as feather
“Your keel be plump and juicy,” I said, “I use the term quite loosely.
It isn’t something usually you see at someone’s leisure -
Tell me what your name is, if you can, but only at your leisure…”
Squawked the Chicken, “Never.”
Much admired was this fowl and its demeanour made me howl
For to even tweet one vowel was a feat just altogether;
For I could not help but wonder, what weird spell I might be under
As to why I would be talking to a chicken that I might tether
What a marvel is a talking chicken that thinking I might tether
For at least its feathers…
But the chicken, sitting alone on my desk, upon my phone
Said only one word, as if it were under some kind of pressure
Nothing more did it even squawk, as if it did not want to talk -
It purposely did balk, like the sunshine in bad weather -
As if it were taunting me, it seemed to garner pleasure
Then again it tittered, “Never.”
To be continued...