The duplicitous liar that lies every day
I wish he would learn he has nothing to say
It’s all just hot air with a helping of poop
And the more we believe, the lower they stoop
Fakey McFakerson puts on a show
And if you do let him around he will go
Fudging and fibbing without care in world
Yet hope I the day comes his fraud be unfurled
A con man will con as inclined he’s to do
To make sure to take much advantage of you
He cares not your feelings, he won’t feel your wrath
For likely he is a true sociopath!
They win when we laze and ignore all our senses
Or fall in a stupor, let down our defenses
It’s all for the money or getting ahead
The lies only stop when they lie stone-cold dead
There’s one thing to do, and rarely it’s mentioned
The antidote is to not pay them attention
The air that they breathe comes from eyeballs and ears
Ignoring their tripe is the main thing they fear
So shut off the TV, the tablet, the phone
Turn on some music, read book, sit alone
Their kool-aid of lies, you know not to drink
Remember you’re smarter than all those fools think!