If indeed you’re someone who
Truly loves the number two
Then this day was meant for you!
For what this day is clearly saying
If love you sought then stop your praying
Look to left or look to right
Wish you may with all your might
That all your dreams for adoration
End today in celebration
For on this day enchantment’s due
The number one will grow to two
One heart will find eternal pairing
Someone who is warm and caring
Don’t let this be another “Twosday”
Instead create a whom-you-choose day
Grab this opportunity
To make your dreams reality
It’s not that being on your own
Is something that should make you moan
It’s just that when all’s said and done
Two makes everything more fun
So I declare find someone who
Turns Tuesday two two-two-two-two
A day most memorable to you!
(I do not mean to joke or tease, but
Prepare to wait two centuries!)