This woman can sing like an angel
But her power can knock out your breath
She is a like a pure force of nature
Be glad you now get to know Beth!
As long as I’ve known her she’s charming
As an artist, her talents are stunning
Her energy levels astound you
If you follow her, you will be running!
Forever she’s a lover of music
Her style is homage to the greats
She also plays a mean ukulele
Her stage shows are always first rate!
In her bare feet and cute summer dresses
And a gingham throw spread all around
Her picnic case opened, inviting
Good friends and good vibes will surround
Her songs will have your toes a-tapping
You cannot sit still in your seat
Soon you find your hands are clapping
Your head bobs along to the beat
Thank goodness there’s someone like Beth
Who spreads joy through music and laughter
Her roof-raising ditties and jingles
Rise up and ring out through the rafters
Your heartstrings will zing if you listen
There’s a zip in each note that she’ll play
There’s a promise, your spirit can feel it
With Beth, you will have a GREAT DAY!