Green and red, red and green
What other colours in between
Exemplifies this jolly season
Makes our mood so ripe for pleasin’
Snowy white like Santa’s beard
Silver bells ring loud and clear
The rosy pink in child’s soft cheek
Or golden hues are what you seek
That glimpse of richness of a thing
As precious as a promised ring
A wintry prism, kaleidoscope
It’s like a Christmas bough of hope
Laden heavy with pure joy
The bright eyes of each girl and boy
Reflect the luminosity
Of eager reciprocity
So comes this day, December eleven
Gather close, dear friend and brethren
Under the sun, the sky and moon
Bring forth and share the festive boon
Of love, and cheer and sentiment
Encourage acts benevolent
So that the time that’s left for us
Is filled with frolic without fuss
Our inner child is thus imbued
With nothing but sheer gratitude!