The concept of pure entropy
Is macroscopic perspective
Of classic thermodynamics
If one is to be so selective
Assessable physical properties
Bulk mass, volume and pressure
So the statistical definition is
In terms of that you can measure
Motions of drive of a system
Like particles make up a gas
A unified view of phenomenon
Through quantum-mechanics will pass
More simply, from cycle of Carnot
A reversible heat is divided
A function of state, fundamental
The photons and phonons collided
A measure of quality and energy
The higher the quality ought
To result in a chance of less entropy
The opposite means you’ll have lots!
Wow, don’t I sound so intelligent
What’s it mean? Really haven’t a clue
I practically failed all my sciences
But I did try to learn something new…
And join me you did in this venture
Through the tangle of words hope you see
That it’s best to make sure that your life
Does not lean towards pure entropy!