A line has drawn itself in muck
And on both sides all feet are stuck
And no one dare deny their view
Even though cessation’s due
For each side thinks it’s dead to right
Though bias is an unfair fight
That one side trafficks in false fear
Then callousness says “Hold my beer”
It steers the weak and gullible
To target only vulnerable
When reason lost utility
Because the fooled refuse to see
The avalanche of backward thought
Has absolutely lost the plot
Exclaim I will as “Chief-In-Venter”
Abandon hope all ye that enter
Exasperation wins the day
And with my ball I’ll walk away
The war’s not won, but dead pile high
And yet there’s no good reason why
It’s all for nothing, hurting people
Just to hoist aloft the steeple
Burning cross, a true false flag
When trampled decency is dragged
Never to be whole again
And battles waged were all in vain…