This might be tough for some to hear
You’ve choice to stop, if you can’t bear
The notion I’m about to fling
I don’t take lightly, but here’s the thing…
As someone who will veer off course
If you believe in mystic force
A being up there, universal
Who thinks we’re cosmic dress rehearsal
Who only takes the ones “He” feels
Are “good enough”, because they kneel
Then sorry, we will disagree
It’s never made much sense to me
And then there’s people who’re in charge
Of making laws, who coldly barge
Into the lives of those on fringe
With accusations so unhinged -
The ones I see that loudly shout
So often seem the least devout
When those, that have a hand in making
Things better, worse, are god-forsaking
Moving farther from the rule
Of kindness, choosing to be cruel
Then that to me proves grim my point
There’s none I’d trust to dare anoint
The world today, from pole to pole
Is splintered, never to be whole
We’re oh so different, and that’s okay
Why must there only be one say?
I think it’s all been left to chance
We’re in control of circumstance
It’s up to us to make good choices
Ensure we hear the smallest voices
To understand with empathy
This world is meant for you and me
It’s not a thing bestowed like gift
We must remember to uplift
Just then might I consider it
To open up my heart a bit
Relief from all the ache and pain
Some faith that I may hope again…