The day starts dark it’s so befuddling
Just like mojito, my brain’s a-muddling
I venture out, it’s almost nine
For sunlit streets I duly pine
I make my way through dying night
To ever-slowly waking light
The shortest day of sun has risen
A time of merriment? It isn’t
It’s just reminder we’re deep in it
Winter’s here, no way to spin it
We can’t deny there’s climate change
A snowless Christmas seems so strange
We’re still far from the summer’s heat
The sidewalk’s slick beneath my feet
The gray of morning lasts and lasts
And sun in sky goes down so fast
Before we blink, it’s dark again
To gapless cell we are condemned
The only solace that we have
Is that the earth is on new path
And each day now gets wee bit longer
With every sec our will gets stronger
Thank goodness for the winter solstice
As soothing as a warming poultice
We’ve not endured this cold for nothing
Be cheered, we know that Spring is coming!