I set your place just like I do
Across from mine, on placemat blue
It’s not just habit, I’ve not forgot
That you’re not here to take your spot
I don’t care that folks think it strange
Or think I’m not accepting change
I’m eating dinner on my own
Quite used to sitting all alone
But having plate across from me
Exactly where you’re s’posed to be
Brings me such comfort, peace of mind
Each night when I’m about to dine
I pour a glass, for me, just half
I might forget, and have a laugh
By pouring some in your glass too
Some white for me and red for you
In dimmed light over simple fare
I love that feeling you’re still there
It shouldn’t cause such consternation
Having quiet conversation
For how can I diminish presence
Remove from life that effervescence
That you brought home to me each night
No matter what, your mood was light
For dinner was our sacred time
To slough off day of toil and grime
And though you’re gone, I want to know
If things at work were fast or slow
Just how it went, and you did too
So that is what I’m going to do
Set plate for you, until the night
To leave in cupboard, feels all right
A new routine will take its place
But not because you’ve been erased
Your setting gone, like setting sun
Without a word, we’ve both moved on…