I’m the sort of person who
People often look right through
Never getting much attention
No one ever really mentions
So, I’m shy and introverted
From conversations I’m diverted
But if you take a closer look
You will find my nose in book
Rich with friends I’ll always be
Even if not literally
I’m not wont for anything
I’m happy as Lord of the Rings!
Frodo, Sam and Aragorn
Gimli blowing loud his horn
Life is better in the shire
Smoking pipes warmed by a fire
With books I’m just a page away
From mead shared with Gandalf the Grey!
Or if chills are where it’s at
To Stephen King I tip my hat
I would feel the doom portend
Yet he feels like my childhood friend
Imagination fueled by words
Daring deeds and tales absurd
So even though I’m all alone
With books, I’m never on my own…