Now that I’m older and so without guile
Childhood myths are of interest to me
Some made us skittish and some made us smile
But one of the weirdest ones has got to be…
From where did it come and most of all why
Trading a coin for the teeth out your head
This story should make even stoutest tyke cry
Or at least make them want to hide under the bed
Because I’m a parent I understand that
We like to tell stories enchanting our child
Santa Clause, leprechauns, the Cat in the Hat
Mostly they’re harmless and never too wild
But how did the Tooth Fairy slip in the fold?
Really it’s one of our most outlandish lies
Strange and bizarre is the story we’re told
“Put tooth under pillow and you’ll get a prize!”
It turns out the story helped parents pull free
A loose tooth that needed a prod and a pry
If kids knew that someone would pay them a fee
Out came that cuspid with barely a cry!
How lucky we are for the folk tale is splendid
The best ones always leave us wanting for more
But if you don’t like how these stories are ended
Make up a new one and start your own lore!