How specious can be Love’s thin veil
When on our senses, it assails
A thing that offers none an option
Warn I do, approach with caution
But like a child turned wild with feeling
Head over heel we tumble, reeling
Straight into Love, like treacly honey
Or strips you bare like thief steals money
Can leave you empty, crying, wanting
Oh how it mocks, its manner taunting
As cruel as it can lift you high
Away wipes tears it made you cry
But Love can’t seem to help itself
Tis Chance that played the cards you're dealt
For Love does truly want us glad
Bestows the life we wished we had
Such faith, it has, that we won’t waste it
To savour it, when once we’ve tasted
It’s up to us, when Love comes calling
Keep head about as in we’re falling…