When last we met? I can’t remember
Was it this time in September?
Was it gray? Or rare day sunny
The autumn here is sweet as honey
There’s many details I dwell on
That often, in snap, would be gone
Like that you wore the bright red scarf
So many times unwound to doff
We laughed at how long that it was
But glad you wore that day, because I’d knitted it on rare occasion
You loved it and would not stop praisin’
That for your birthday years ago A gift to you, you loved it so
And here you were wrapped in that token
With sentiments that went unspoken
No being wary of the hour
Just that the time, we did devour
As if it would be all we’re granted
Ensuing trysts would be supplanted
And all that’s left are memories
A yearning that does taunt and tease
So that this day, would twig my heart
This season always stands apart
As both my favourite and a curse
Recollection’s not the worst
What life worth living evades the blues
Would not be path I’d ever choose
To love and leave and love again
That vital spark, our heart’s refrain
Like tributary of amour
We fill and empty, evermore…