Sugar High
Artist: Agnes Kokot
I take a pot
I heat a pan
I hone my knife
I've got a plan
I add some this
I add some that
A pinch of spice
Some unctuous fat
I stir and toss
I crisply toast
I deeply fry
I slowly roast
Then when done
I serve with pride
A dish with soul
Kiss on the side
The plate is full
To overflowing
Amour and belly
Ever growing
For food is love
And tastes the best
When cravings met
With relish and zest
There's never a doubt
That you will eat
At my table
Always a seat
A dish of sweet
And spicy heat
A tasty feat
A tart retreat
The grand finale
Is rich and dense
Slathered and dripping
With pure decadence
An eternal feast
Your hunger nursed
Yet never full
Nor feeling thirst
Make every meal
A new endeavour
Gorge yourself
With love forever