So what is the matter with being awake?
Of opening eyes to the choices we make?
Of seeing the other as we might see ourselves
Of finding the answer the deeper we delve
Desire to not keep repeating the past
To catch ALL the truth in the nets that we cast
When once generations were living in shadow
Accepting the norms ‘cause simply they had to
To those that would protest and try to suppress
I’ve an issue with you that I’d like to address
Just why are you proud to be thick and unschooled
To only be open to being more fooled
To bury your head in the sand, butt held high
On THIS battlefield you are willing to die?
When a world of advancement now waits for us all
Where cultures co-mingle and prejudice falls
And the more we let voices rise up from the mire
Entrenched bias burns like scrap paper in fire
And thankful for that, for where else would we be
If each generation with contempt will not see
That times are a-changing, there’s no way to stop it
And proud are we youth is so driven to top it
I prove that the “Olds” are still standing beside
Jump on that fast train they call “JUSTICE” and ride!
I wear the tag proudly, like stick in the spoke
Of the willful close-minded, unabashedly WOKE!