If you can hear me, raise your hand
With tired eyes, surveil the land
In search of spirit, kindred soul
Entertained by tales I’ve told
This bard of rhyme has deep down well
And endless stories yet to tell
And many lessons to impart
Preachy? Yes, but from the heart
The witty gems that cross the line
Belie a temperamental mind
One that wants a better world
Disguised as whirligig of twirls
Between the laughs and comic joking
Sarcastic jabs of gentle poking
I hope my words are loud and clear
They’re meant with feeling so sincere
For lectures set all thought adrift
They won’t break through, they can’t uplift
So with my singsong playful tone
I hope my words become your own
And we together make much merry
As arm in arm, share load we carry
Roused and spurred by driving song
Our conjoined hearts will sing along!