Decades ago with few dollars to spend
The best thing we did with a gaggle of friends
An affordable way for the family to hang
Doing that thing for your dough’s biggest bang
Was ye ol’ drive-in movie, a cool summer treat
Where the tinny echo and warm bucket seats
And homemade snacks shared front to back
Made up for the quality those movies lacked
Where friends could talk and laugh so freely
When scary parts made tough guys squealy
For no one knew when your buddy might pounce
And jump on your hood to make your car bounce
Where girlfriends and boyfriends picked up by the curb
Made windows fog up, which meant do not disturb
Where waiting for dark made us antsy for fun
Yet often we slept before the movie was done
The drive home was soothing no matter how far
Integral to life was that family car
But soon out of fashion those drive-ins became
And now moviegoing just isn’t the same
The communal experience meant something back then
So today we are left with “remembering when…”
The memories are faded as blank as those screens
But that twinge of nostalgia to me always means
That I live in this world with such strange perspective
It’s not that old tech is defunct and defective
There’s charm and a sweetness we sometimes cling to
An innocent time when we simply made do
Bell-bottoms and drive-ins, they’re not dowdy trends
It’s the love for good movies and hanging with friends
So hang up a sheet and spread out on the lawn
Watch movies outside eating popcorn til dawn
You’ll capture the kitsch we enjoyed long ago
And good vibes and good spirits will be in the front row!