The Connection Artist: Gatogacha
Those that held one to their heart
That felt deprived when lived apart
Have put their needs and wants asunder
For companionship, a thing of wonder
When love provides beyond our dreams
Both joy and sorrow free of schemes
Connection made like tree-trunk strong
Yoked and tethered, where I belong
But not forever, only years
The end will come in floods of tears
But hearts that scar build stronger yet
And fill again without regret
For if that touch we seek comes close
With silky fur and dewy nose
Our will dissolves with full surrender
Their drenching kiss and nuzzles tender
We discipline with velvet glove
Deserving unconditional love
We go to depths beyond all measure
Tamed by our four-legged treasure
And when they sleep and take their leave
We're left behind to mourn and grieve
Through pain we know we’d never trade
Our broken hearts will be remade
How blessed we are to know such peace
To have walked beside the noble beast
This poem especially touched my heart because my Winston was recently diagnosed with cancer. Thank you for sharing your remarkable pieces with us.