There’s nothing that’s more deadlier
Results in chaos, that’s for sure
Than college students in a car
Driving into darkness far
With barely road map as their guide
So unaware on their joyride…
What ill awaits this group, you’ll see
Right off the bat, there’s mystery
They find the Naturom Demonto
A holy mess starts brewing, pronto!
It takes a simple incantation
To soon cause gory devastation
There’s spirits that will trick your mind
Possession of demonic kind
The trees alive, their branches claws
Who’ll do you in and that’s because
A fiend that is of Sumer bred
An incubus, The Evil Dead
Wants nothing more (or less) your soul
Consume it will your body whole
No matter if you gouge its eyes
Cut off its head, it never dies
Though one survives, we don’t know how
Ash is who can save us now
With all the strength that he can summon
He fights off every beast that’s comin’
Until there’s him, the book and fire
The book burns in satanic pyre
The demons crumple, melt away
And Ash limps out to light of day…
But do not doubt that vileness lives
Its spite endures, it shan’t forgive
We’ll not be free from all its evils
(The “fun” goes on in all the sequels!!)