There’s things we shouldn’t rush to judge
For hidden gold might lodge in sludge
And there are films that on first glance
Turn our world view just bit askance
I saw this film so long ago
And yet in heart, retains its glow
A buried gem, that scared me shitless
My younger self, left thrown and witless
Not quite a zombie, nor a demon
But story about family grieving
A son, from war, returns, not - right -
In horror flick called “Dead of Night”
(You’d never guess this film so gory
The same guy made “A Christmas Story”!!)
A simple premise, nothing strange
Except returning soldier’s … changed
It’s like he isn’t quite all there
Elated mother doesn’t care
But there is death, surrounds him so
And sad but frightful worry grows
A miracle, how he survived
Might really be, he’s not alive!
But mother’s love will not give up
Though soon pursued he is by cops
Through streets they rush, things get quite harry
Then ends the chase in cemetery
The final scene will break your heart
As anguish in him tears apart
We find him at a fresh dug grave
With mother who wants just to save
The one she loves most desperately
Who in the end turns out to be
A thing that breaks all natural law
Much like the tale “The Monkey’s Paw”
To blindly wish, brings nothing good
Except a fiend that lusts for blood…